
Religious minorities in Europe

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by minority :

Alevi (10) · Armenians (4) · Buddhists (11) · Catholics (6) · Eastern Christian (8) · Evangelical Protestants (12) · Gregorian (1) · Hindu (4) · Hindu Tamil (1) · Jews (38) · Karaits (2) · Kurds (4) · Muslims (95) · Orthodox (19) · Protestants (19) · Roma (3) · Shia Muslims (7) · Sikhs (13) · Tamil (2) · Tatars (1) · Yezidis (5)

by country :

Austria (2) · Belgium (14) · Bosnia (2) · Bulgaria (4) · Cyprus (2) · Denmark (9) · Eastern europe (5) · Europe (39) · Europe North (1) · Europe South-East (2) · Finland (9) · France (54) · Germany (15) · Greece (6) · Hongrie (1) · Ireland (21) · Italy (5) · Kurdistan (1) · Macedonia (2) · Netherlands (3) · Norway (4) · Poland (4) · Portugal (12) · Romania (4) · Serbia (1) · Slovakia (1) · Spain (5) · Sweden (3) · Switzerland (16) · Turkey (13) · Ukraine (3) · United Kingdom (38)

by topic :

Belonging (5) · Comparative approach (3) · Definition (20) · Education (9) · Gender (2) · Identity (75) · Immigration (12) · Institutionnalisation (5) · Law (20) · Population (27) · Relations between minorities (10) · Religion-State Relations (19) · Religious change (30) · Religious practice (10) · Role in politics (7) · Social perception (24) · Transnational relationship (7)
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