
Religious minorities in Europe


Call for papers IAHR Orthodoxy

Papers are invited for the upcoming XXIth World Congress of the IAHR (Erfurt, Germany, 23-29 August 2015) to the following panel: Current Dynamics within Orthodox Christianity – between Tradition, Innovation and Realpolitik.
In the last 100 years, the areas where Orthodox Christianity predominates have experienced numerous political and societal developments, including the communist regimes, ethnic clashes and post-communist transition. Moreover, processes of globalisation, nationalisms and political cleavages have heightened the challenge of religious pluralism in these regions as well as increased the number of Orthodox faithful outside traditionally Orthodox countries. All of these developments have prompted responses within the Orthodox world, ranging from liturgical renewal and innovations to increasingly audible calls for a Pan-Orthodox Council to solve the most pressing issues. Underlying most of these issues is the question of authority within the church: To what extent are pressures from secular politics, societal modernisation processes and strategic considerations considered legitimate from the point of view of Orthodox Christian theology? How do the various Orthodox Churches react to these pressures and accommodate them? Are there any discernible differences in this respect between the historical Orthodox mother-churches and the Orthodox transnational communities across the globe? How does the entire situation of the Orthodox world look like at the beginning of the 21st century?
We invite paper proposals to topics concerning the way Orthodox Christianity shows dynamic responses to so-called ‘modern’ developments. If you are interested, please send the following information to sebastian.rimestad@uni-erfurt.de by 10. September, 2014: name and contact information (current affiliation); title; 150 words abstract; Relevant literature (max 3 titles)